The cooperative.


It’s strange that nobody thought about it before, although all these mergers, restruturations, and sacrifices in the name of profitability. Some guys of Louvain create a new ad agency, based on cooperation, which serves the economic interests of all its members.

Décisions are made on this principle : « one person = one voice».



Every participant have equal rights. Become rich isn’t the intention here. The love of the ad profession, the long term relationship with clients, financial transparency, team spirit and seniority set up the bases of the project.
After meeting two of the first members and founders (Geert Keyaerts et Vincent Daenen), enthousiastic utopians, the business model seems viable, and tempting. The changes aren’t only made on the financial model, but also on the way as the people will work and where. Why not an itinérant agency, which would get through Belgium or set in the client’s offices while creating a campaign for him ? Another boss for each new project  ?  A question  remains about the members personality, ego, skills, and artistic and advertising tastes : when everyone is the manager, it’s better to share the same vision.

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From copy to strategy

In 19 years of copywriting, I have seen hundreds of briefs and thought about nearly as much creative strategies. From copy to creative strategy, there is only one step.

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