Self service strategic planning.



Interactivity and self-service is a good way for a brand to keep in touch with its customers. They appreciate to consume when, where, and how they want. What is true for a mobile phone or a clothes brand is also true for a planning strategic agency. BDDP Unlimited lauches the first take away strategy, the take away thinking. Ponctual consulting, inaccessible in one shot or outside a contract until then, which covers all communication disciplines. Every advertiser can « consume a strategy on the spot » by calling on the ressources of the agency, or « take it away » and implement it by itself.

The self-service logical is further until the menu, the order and the payment online.

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From copy to strategy

In 19 years of copywriting, I have seen hundreds of briefs and thought about nearly as much creative strategies. From copy to creative strategy, there is only one step.

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