An avatar for everyone for 2010.




If only I could have my own avatar (do uou say “avatar” in english?), beautiful, intelligent, sensitive and most of all very, very fun, who would enjoy living in a world where people’d take care of the beauty of the things. Where the messages would be relevant, where one ‘d defend his point of you with enthousiasm, where to communicate’d become natural again. However, technologies progress and mentalities follow. For 2010, my wish is that we make the dreamer meet his hardly real double. In order to light up our projects with some idealistic lightness. Wish we’d be inspired ourselves by our avatar for here and now, in real.

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From copy to strategy

In 19 years of copywriting, I have seen hundreds of briefs and thought about nearly as much creative strategies. From copy to creative strategy, there is only one step.

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